Search Results
Kate Mattingly

27 Jun, 2023

BCNM's Big Wins 2023

We're so proud to share some our greatest successes from 2022-2023!  Read more

06 Mar, 2023

Kate Mattingly Publishes Shaping Dance Canons Read more

07 Aug, 2022

Kate Mattingly Assistant Professor at Old Dominion University


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16 Feb, 2021

Kate Mattingly on BalletX in the Classical Review

Kate Mattingly recently wrote about ballet company BalletX in the Classical Review. Read more

09 Feb, 2021

Kate Mattingly Featured in Wow Woman

Kate Mattingly was recently featured in Wow Woman for her career and accomplishments! Read more

27 Oct, 2017

Alum Kate Mattingly Reviews Radical Bodies in The Dancer's Group

Alum Kate Mattingly reviews Radical Bodies: Anna Halprin, Simone Forti, and Yvonne Rainer in California and New York, 1955 to 1972. Read more

16 May, 2017

Announcing Our 2017 Graduates

We look forward to sharing their future endeavors!

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06 May, 2017

Kate Mattingly on Joe Goode In Dancer's Group

Kate Mattingly's latest at the Dancer's Group Read more

07 Jul, 2016

Two Honorable Mentions and a Best Paper at DIS 2016

This year the biennial ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) was held in Brisbane, Australia Read more

26 May, 2016

Berkeley and the new SFMOMA — partners in art and public engagement

Kate Mattingly, Designated Emphasis student, wrote about UCB's relationship with the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Read more

23 May, 2016

BCNM at DIS 2016

BCNM was thrilled to be so widely represented at the ACM SIGCHI Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2016 conference in Brisbane, Australia Read more

18 May, 2016

Kate Mattingly on Gender and Performance in Dancer's Group Read more

21 Mar, 2016

Revisited: "Critical Play"

A recap of Mary Flanagan's lecture, recapped by Kate Mattingly. Read more

16 Feb, 2016

Revisited: "Machine Generated Culpability"

Kate Mattingly recaps Ahmed Ghappour's talk. Read more

08 Dec, 2015

NWMEDIA 201 Final Presentations

We were excited to see the final presentations of NWMEDIA 201, Questioning New Media, our foundational seminar on art, technology, and culture! Read more

24 Nov, 2015

Kate Mattingly on the Forty Part Motet

BCNM's Kate Mattingly (TDPS DE) had the opportunity to join SFMOMA talks of the Forty Part Motet Read more

24 Nov, 2015

Ken Goldberg at De Young Museum

On Ken Goldberg's exhibition at the De Young Museum in San Francisco Read more

16 Nov, 2015

Revisited: "Design, Geopolitics, and Planetary-Scale Computing"

with Benjamin Bratton 

a Revisited post written by Kate Mattingly (TDPS) Read more

20 Oct, 2015

Kate Mattingly on Dancer's Group

28 Apr, 2015

Kate Mattingly Writes on Joe Goode Performance Group

She discusses how the Joe Goode Performance Group is developing the piece "Poetics of Space", which is slated to open this September Read more

10 Mar, 2015

HTNM Revisited: Alan Liu

from the UCSB professor's talk, "Against the Cultural Singularity" Read more

03 Mar, 2015

HTNM Revisited: Chris Goto-Jones

from his lecture, "Gamic Orientalism" Read more

10 Dec, 2014

Tangible User Interfaces Student Project Exhibition

Kimiko Ryokai's NWMEDIA/INFO C262: Tangible User Interfaces created new products aimed at shifting the way we interact with technology Read more

17 Sep, 2014

Adventures in New Media

25 Nov, 2013

BCNM Welcomes New Students to the DE & Graduate Certificate in New Media

We are delighted to welcome 9 new graduate students to our Designated Emphasis and Graduate Certificate programs Read more